Eight Causes of Diabetes(Sugar)

Today we will talk about the reason for the sugar (Causes of Diabetes) why diabetes is spreading a lot in India?

Due to being hereditary, this disease is making its prey to generation after generation. People are becoming victims of this disease at an extremely young age.

Causes of Diabetes

Cup Cake reason for Diabetes

The patient does not immediately know about the disease of sugar. The patient has minor problems like excessive hunger, thirst, blurred vision, fatigue, etc. But the patient ignores these symptoms.

After a long period of time, when the problem increases and continues to increase, then suddenly the patient came to know that he/she is suffering from diabetes through the doctor's report.


Sugar is a hereditary disease. If there is a disease of sugar in your family, such as your mother or your father, then you will also get more chances of getting sugar. The best way to avoid this is that you should be alert beforehand and take special care of what, when you eat and keep checking your sugar level too.

Irregular catering

Neglectfulness in eating can make you a patient of sugar. Eat Food at the same time every day. Some people don't have breakfast in the morning, and till afternoon they become too hungry, they eat too much, which makes difficult for the body to digest. So eat it in a balanced form. If you are hungry, you must eat food and eat light food in the evening.

Taking Less Sleep

Chances of getting sugar in patients with fewer sleep-time increases. Sometimes sleeping less is a normal thing but if you continuously get less sleeping then be careful. Then you have more chances to get diabetes.

Intake of Too much Food

Too much food is not only harmful to the digestive system but it can also make you a patient of sugar. Some people do not have control at all and they eat too much food, and such people often eat more than their capacity.

Some great person has said that "to fill the stomach, not to fill the mind … so eat as much food as it needs". Eating too much is also a cause of diabetes.


Fat people fall prey to sugar easily or we can say that diabetes mostly occurs to obese people. Keep obesity in control because obesity can make you a victim of other diseases also other than sugar.

Staying in Tension

Doctors believe that in excess stress, our sugar level increases. If you are constantly surrounded by conditions like stress or depression then be cautious. Those who become more stressful, increase the risk of sugar.

Not Performing Physical work

People who work on the chair in the office throughout the day and do not exercise at all, the chances of getting sugary disease increase by 80%. For digestion, a little physical exercise is must. Physical inactivity directly affects your immune system. So do a little exercise regularly.

Intake of Junk Food

Instead of giving energy or nutrients, Junk food increases fat and oil in the body. It also weakens the digestive system. And Junk Food becomes the major cause of diabetes for youngsters.

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