Onion Proven Beneficial For Type 2 Diabetes Patients
Various studies have shown that red onion reduces the level of increased blood sugar. This can help you manage both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. So start eating raw onions.
Blood sugar levels are difficult to maintain for patients with diabetes. Therefore, they are advised to include food in their diet that can control blood sugar. One of these is the onion. Onions can help fight diabetes effectively. Various studies have shown that red onion reduces the level of increased blood sugar. This can help you manage both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Patients with diabetes should eat raw onion for better blood sugar levels. 100 grams of red onion can reduce blood sugar in just 4 hours. How is onion beneficial, know here …
Low-glycemic index
Onion is a low-glycemic food that you can include in your diet. Foods that have a glycemic index of less than 55 are considered good in diabetes because they do not release too much sugar in the blood. Onion's glycemic index is less than 10 which is very good for diabetic patients.
Carbs are less
Onions contain very few carbs. Consuming too many carbs is not good for one's blood sugar level problem. If you eat too many carbs, you are more at risk of developing type-2 diabetes. Half a cup of chopped onion has only 5.9 grams of carbs. So the low-carbs of onions can help you manage diabetes effectively.
High in fiber
Fiber is highly beneficial for patients with diabetes. It also helps in controlling the level of blood sugar. Onion is rich in fiber. Fiber will promote intestinal health. Will keep all stomach problems away. Regular intake of onion will also help in lowering your cholesterol levels and promoting heart health.
These things are also beneficial
In addition to onion, berries, cinnamon, leafy greens, nuts, Greek yogurt, turmeric, chia seeds, broccoli, flax seeds, and garlic are also beneficial.

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